Mahr 840 FM Indicating Snap Gages Technical Specifications:
Mahr 840 FM Indicating Snap Gages
$3,139.50 – $4,286.10
Mahr Indicating Snap Gages 840 FM MaraMeter M with measuring jaws.
For diameters of small hubs, registers, shoulders on shafts and groove widths as well as for tooth span Wk as indirect, reference-free determination of tooth thickness on spur gears with straight and helical teeth.
Indicator sold seperately
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Mahr 840 FM Indicating Snap Gages Features:
- Rugged, forged steel frame with heat insulators
- Measuring spindle is mounted in long guide way with lever controlled retraction
- Anvil spindle can easily be fine adjusted
- Maximum wear resistance due to non-contact positioning in conjunction with carbide tipped measuring faces
- Measuring spindle and anvil spindle made of hardened stainless steel; with extending carbide-tipped measuring jaws
- Constant measuring force as a result of built-in spring, thus eliminating user influence
- Universally applicable and extremely versatile, each instrument spans a broad measuring range, within this range any dimension and fit can be very quickly and easily adjusted
- Flatness of Measuring Faces ≤ 0.5uM
- Parallelism Of Measuring Faces ≤ 3uM (≤2uM on the 0-40mm model)
- Tooth Span Measurements as per module m .5 on the 40mm/80mm models and 1.0 for 130/180mm models
Indicator sold separately.
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