Van Keuren Optical Flats information- click below
Optical Flats
Van Keuren optical flats using only the most carefully selected annealed clear fused quartz. Fused quartz possesses a very low coefficient of linear expansion and is resistant to abrasion. All Van Keuren Optical Flats come furnished in a fitted case with a certificate of calibration stating the actual flatness directly traceable to the National Institute of Standards & Technology.
Micro-coating is available by request and is applied to the flat to help clarify the image. Coating is available on single surface optical flats only. Your worn, scratched, opaque flats can be resurfaced to any desired accuracy, single or double surface, and will be indistinguishable from new flats. Reworked flats will be certified, showing traceability to the N.I.S.T. with the test number and date.
Call 866-9945-5742 or email: [email protected] to order & for more information.
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Van Keuren Optical Flats Specifications:
Flats in optical parallel sets differ in thickness by approximately 0.0125, providing a parallelism check at two spindle positions, each one-half turn apart. For metric micrometers, the difference is 0.25 mm