Range (in):0.25″
Feature Set:Standard
Max. Range (in):.250″
Max. Range (mm):6.35
Min. Range (in):0
Min. Range (mm):0
Range (mm):6.35mm
Resolution (in):.0005″
Resolution (mm):0.01mm
Starrett Rivet Gage (2900-5-1R)
The 2900-5-1R Electronic Indicator Height Gage is used to measure the height (or depth) of rivet and screw heads and the flushness of welds; direct to .0005″… instantly and with great accuracy. Easily maintain Mil Spec riveting standards of + .006″/-.000″ base sits solidly on any surface, flat or curved. On curved surfaces, zero is set at a point immediately next to the point to be measured. The contact tip is then slid onto the fastener or weld… thus the effects of curvature are neutralized. This gage is optimal for measuring rivet and screw heads as well as arc welds in aircraft, missile, aerospace, electronics industries and sheet metal work. Use for set-up and in-process control of rivet head shaving machines. Control staking and rivet height in office machines and other complex mechanisms to prevent shearing and interference. Measure the timing, movement, and pressure correlation of valves, hydraulic valve spools, hydraulic cylinders. Use on embossed, stamped, coined, upset, dimpled, and staked parts. Provides an independent, unbiased, easily verified flushness measurement… direct in .001″ or .0005″ increments.