Mahr Dial Comparators


Mahr Mechanical  Dial Comparators- Supramess, Millimess, Compramess, and Zentimess Series. Inch and Metric Dial Comparators

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Mahr Dial Comparators Features:

  • Supramess, Millimess, Compramess, and Zentimess Series
  • Accuracy of 1004, 1010, 1010 Z, 1050 exceeds DIN 879-1

4335900 1002 Z Measuring range + / – .001″ readings .00002″ overall travel .11″ measuring force 1N
4335900 1002 Z Measuring range + / – .001″ readings .00002″ overall travel .11″ measuring force 1N Waterproof

4335900 1003 Z Measuring range + / – .002″ readings .00005″ overall travel .11″ measuring force 1N
4334905 1003 Z Measuring range + / – .002″ readings .00005″ overall travel .11″ measuring force 1N Waterproof

4333900 1004 Z Measuring range + / – .005″ readings .0001″ overall travel .10″ measuring force 1N
4333905 1004 Z Measuring range + / – .005″ readings .0001″ overall travel .10″ measuring force 1N Waterproof

4333905 1010 Z Measuring range + / – .010″ readings .0005″ overall travel .10″ measuring force 1N
4332905 1010 Z Measuring range + / – .010″ readings .0005″ overall travel .10″ measuring force 1N Waterproof

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mechanical dial comparators Millimess

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