Benefits Of Using CMM Calibration Artifact

CMM calibration artifacts are important in ensuring the precision of CMMs and that they are working well within their specifications. This ensures the safety, quality, and innovation of CMMs and improves overall production and services.

If you look around your room or house, most of the items were produced within tight measurement specifications assured by calibration. CMMs are commonly used in various industries and through proper calibration using an artifact, their measurements will be more reliable and consistent. There are various benefits to using calibration artifacts and below are some of them.

Data Collection

Using a calibration artifact allows for data collection, generation, and analysis. To do so, the calibration artifact has to include sophisticated analog hardware, along with a microprocessor and software. This provides the calibration artifact with the internal comparison capability and references available to collect and track data at the time of calibration.

Measurement and tracking of any performance changes and drift relative to the internal references can likewise be stored for further analysis. This could come in very useful when a CMM that is reviewed once or twice every year goes out of calibration without the knowledge of the user. If critical tests and results rely on the CMM, this may have dangerous and costly consequences.

However, by using a calibration artifact with the necessary technology for data collection, external calibrations can be done alongside internal calibrations. Internal calibrations prevent the CMM from going out of calibration through the monitoring of the CMM performance between calibrations. This minimizes the chances of the CMM having to be constantly calibrated at the lab.

Data Analysis

Data from the calibration artifact can be stored and analyzed using statistical algorithms such as standard deviations. Artificial intelligence can also be used to analyze the given data to make better recommendations or simply list the important findings. Analysis of data is important as it allows the lab personnel to accurately pinpoint the cause of measurement errors in CMMs and how frequently they occur. This allows the user to better predict the performance of the CMM and take any necessary actions accordingly.


Numerous calibration artifacts can be used for a variety of CMMs and different measurement axes. Different artifacts can also be used when there are different hardness or stiffness of the material to be measured in the CMM. For example, a swift-check gauge is a calibration artifact that comes equipped with a length bar, sphere, and calibrated ring gauge that incorporates all of the geometries and directions needed to check the performance of the CMM. It is versatile and can be used for small to medium-sized CMMs.

Confidence in Performance

Calibration artifacts give users confidence in the reliability and precision of their CMMs through checks and delivering results that are clear and easy. It further eliminates the cost and implications of a CMM being out of specification during use. Calibration artifacts ensure that CMMs provide better performance while fixing and minimizing any errors.

by George Chitos