Comtor Spline Gages
Comtorgage spline gage measurement for Internal Spline Pitch Diameter and Measurement Made Easy! This gage incorporates two AGD gage pins of the size specified on your part print. The pins are held in place by two suspended brackets and are allowed to “float”.
Press the button, insert the gage into the part, release, and read the results!
External Splines? Still using the micrometer and pins method? Not only is it time consuming, but susceptible to operator variability.
The Comtor External Spline gage makes pitch diameter measurement of external splines quick, easy, and accurate!
Look to Willrich Precision for all your spline gaging needs. Plastic parts or metal parts! Whether your splines are broached, milled, rolled, hobbed, or injection molded, we can build a gage to measure them.
Send us your part print for a prompt quotation. Call 866-9945-5742 or email: [email protected] for more information.
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Comtor Spline Gages